Swift: Deconstruct SPF: Strings and SubStrings

Learning Swift: Passing substrings to functions

I have been working on my SPF project in Swift of late. As part of this I have started to deal with substrings. “A slice of a string” according to Apple Documentation. In dealing with this, I have found myself quite often converting substrings back to normal strings. Today we will look at how we can pass substrings directly by making our functions generic.

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Deconstructing SPF Records with Rust

Hi. If you have visited my blog before you might have seen my series on using the trust-dns-resolver crate. As part of that series I looked at querying DNS TXT records. During the process I was reminded of SPF records. Something I used to deal with in a previous position. And this got me to thinking about using SPF records as a way to learn more about working with rust.

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