Final part in a series of articles on implementing a notification system using Gmail and Line Bot.
[Read More]Google API Gmail LINE Notifications Part 6
Part 6 in a series of articles on implementing a notification system using Gmail and Line Bot.
[Read More]Google API Gmail LINE Notifications Part 5
Part 5 in a series of articles on implementing a notification system using Gmail and Line Bot.
[Read More]Google API Gmail LINE Notifications Part 4
Part 4 in a series of articles on implementing a notification system using Gmail and Line Bot.
[Read More]Google API Gmail LINE Notifications Part 3
Part 3 in a series of articles on implementing a notification system using Gmail and Line Bot.
[Read More]Google API Gmail LINE Notifications Part 2
Part 2 in a series of articles on implementing a notification system using Gmail and Line Bot.
[Read More]Google API Gmail LINE Notifications Part 1
This will be a series of articles on implementing a notification system using Gmail and Line Bot.
The goal here is to be able to query gmail for a select set of emails. Process them and then send a notification. This could be altered to work with a Bot of some other service.
Send a notification through LINE with AppDaemon with Home Assistant
The challenge
Living in Japan we generally default to using LINE for our messaging needs. At the time of this writing there is no integration for LINE within Home Assistant. Currently I use PushOver for some of my Home Assistant notifications. I also use Zapier with email to trigger notifications to my family LINE group. You can see how I did this here and here.
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