A guide for using CMake Generators to support other IDEs.

Some times we might be working in a team, and that team has members who prefer to use different IDEs or who develop on different platforms. In these cases we can leverage CMake’s generators.
This is a short guide on using a generator for Xcode and adding a second test file to break up testing.

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A barebones C++ library template using CMake and Google Test


This is a BAREBONES C++ template with Google Test support using CMake. It is setup to allow for the building of a static library using TDD principles; but could be adapted for building a small program. This is in no way the ideal solution.

This template was created to allow for programming under Mac OS. But the files should work under other systems.

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Install & Configure Certbot

Docker & Let's Encrypt

I have been playing with a few things of late. Mostly related to moving my site off GitHub and using my own domain. As part of that I am just toying with Let’s Encrypt. I have been doing this during my trial period with Linode.
Today I will document how I set up Let’s Encrypt using DNS as the preferred Challenge.

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Moving Site from GitHub

Generate the redirects for all pages

Hi All,

So yesterday I decided to move my site from github.io to one of my personal domains. I am not sure why I decided this. I mean Github provides a great free service. And I had lots of automation in place. In this article I will just cover how i went about updating all pages with redirects from github to the new domain.

The Goal

My goal was to leave my old site up on GitHub for a few weeks to give Google some time to update its indexing. With all old pages being able to redirect to their new counterparts. This requires that I have redirects in place for each page. I will then remove the github site repo.

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Push to GitHub Triggers Push to Remote

Hi. Today I would like to go over how I changed things up a bit and am now able to push my site updates to GitHub, which then pushes the updates to the live production server. This should allow me to add checks within GitHub to ensure my site it updated only if everything is correct. Though I won’t go into that here today. I will be focusing on the GitHub Action.

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Auto Update Site from a Git Push

Pushing directly from Dev Server to Remote Production Server


For a little while now I have been thinking about moving my personal blog to a self-hosted service. One of the options I have been considering is Linode.

As part of this idea. I wanted to see how I might be able to automate some of the processes. This is just a write up on one of my ideas so far.

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Rust: Add an Example Program to your Library Crate

Recently I decided that I might actually publish my little rust crate. To that end I started looking into some of the things that are needed and what can be done. I have published a perl module in the past. And as a rule for myself, I like to provide an example program that uses a module or library. That is what I will look at today.

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rust  crate  lib