Looking at Regex in Rust

If you have been following this series, you might know that I am playing with SPF records. I have turned my eye to a and mx mechanisms. As I started looking at the a mechanism. I noticed that my current approach using the standard string functions would probably be fairly difficult to implement. So I started to think about using the Regex crate. So this will be a look at how that went. The challenges and the things that I took away from the experience.

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Rust Basic Testing

As I work through learning rust, I figured it was time to to start doing actual testing.

Why Test

Simple, it’s really essential when building anything beyond a few lines of simple code. Being able to run a series of reproducible tests as you develop; allows you to ensure that changes you make are not breaking exisiting code. You also have the option to develop using TDD.

Of course I have not adhered to any of this as I explore the basics of working with rust. But things are progressing and I should now see how testing basically works in the world of rust.

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Manage Rust Code by Breaking it Up

We often start small coding projects, and we often tend to start them off in a single file. But sometimes, the project naturally grows larger and more complex. The code thus becomes more difficult to manage in a single file.

At these times we often need to break the code up across multiple files so that we can focus on a particular functionality. This is where I found myself as I am toying with my SPF code.

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Deconstructing SPF Records with Rust

Hi. If you have visited my blog before you might have seen my series on using the trust-dns-resolver crate. As part of that series I looked at querying DNS TXT records. During the process I was reminded of SPF records. Something I used to deal with in a previous position. And this got me to thinking about using SPF records as a way to learn more about working with rust.

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MX and Host lookup using the trust-dns-resolver Crate

I used to often work with DNS in one of my previous jobs. So I have always had a long running interesting in DNS. Most recently I have been looking into Rust. I wanted to see how easy it might be to use rust to access DNS records, one; because rust is said to be fast, and also because it’s a safe programming language.

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Project: Self Hosted Zapier Alternative

I am currently in the process of working out how I might replace some of my Zapier services. Why would I want to do this? I use the free tier. (The process only runs once every 15 minutes. It used to be once every 5 mins.) Which means it has become a bit slow in sending the notifications. I want to learn how to use Docker Once I get a bit further along I will hopefully publish the python code to GitHub and document some of the issues and successes as I move along. [Read More]

Send a notification through LINE with AppDaemon with Home Assistant

The challenge

Living in Japan we generally default to using LINE for our messaging needs. At the time of this writing there is no integration for LINE within Home Assistant. Currently I use PushOver for some of my Home Assistant notifications. I also use Zapier with email to trigger notifications to my family LINE group. You can see how I did this here and here.

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